Hi Everyone!
I am excited to start this blog for my final course at Lesley University. For those of you that I have not met in previous courses, this first post is to tell you a little bit about who I am. I am an Instructional Technology Specialist at Oakbrook Middle School in Ladson, SC. We are located about 30 minutes outside of Charleston. I have been in this position for 3 years and prior to becoming and ITS I taught 6th grade Social Studies, 8th grade ELA, and 8th grade Social Studies. I do miss having my own class, but I really enjoy helping both teachers and students infuse technology into the classroom. I get my fix for having "my own" students since I help with our school Lego Robotics team and I also am about to start an all girls after school technology club called Girls in Tech. I am so excited to be able to reach middle school aged girls and help get them interested in the different avenues that technology could take them. Outside of school I live with my husband and 2 dogs (Max and Sammi). We love going outside to run, go to the park, and especially the beach!
Congrats on your upcoming graduation!