Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Problem: How might we create a curriculum that utilizes computer science (CS) to reinforce Common Core Standards?

My problem actually arose from a discussion between my principal and I trying to figure out if it was possible to create an entire elective class built around computer science.  I work at a middle school, so there is not currently a ton of curriculum out there to focus on computer science with that age group.  We have hosted many Google CS First after school clubs, but those are only 8 sessions and focus on coding in Scratch.  Scratch and CS First are a great place to start when exposing students to CS, but there is no way we can fill an entire semester doing that.  And what about teacher buy in?  How are we going to get core content teachers to support a computer science class when we already offer Gateway to Technology/Project Lead the Way and Keyboarding.  Unfortunately to most teachers those are the same thing as Computer Science.  

My goal is to find a way that we can not only build computer science knowledge, but use that to foster what is being taught in the classroom through Common Core Standards.  We need to teach the standards, but also help create students that are prepared for future jobs and careers.  No matter what career they decide on, computer science is going to impact them.  Take a look at how many schools and students participated in Hour of Code this year.  Clearly, we realize that computer science is crucial, but we need to realize that "one hour of code" is not going to be enough for our students.  


  1. Hi Betsy,

    Teacher buy-in is a concern in my school, actually the entire school district as well. As we move to a Learning Management System (LMS) next school year, we are already anticipating an issue with teachers who are willing to come on board and participate. The fact that this is may be mandatory makes the waters a little more muddy. What will the push-back be? Only time will tell.....

  2. We have students creating water cycle and moon phase projects on Scratch, with just our few computers in the room. I find that showing other teachers what can be done is helpful. A few examples of something doable at a staff meeting makes it less daunting. But then, we are all so stretched. The camel and the straw…
    If you would like to see some examples, let me know.

    1. Hi Ros,
      I think that is a great idea....make it fun and applicable! I am going to mention that at my Blended meeting on Tuesday.
